Amy Keslinke
Amy Keslinke is an educator with experience teaching students from third grade into adulthood. When she learned during her second pregnancy that her son would be born with a congenital heart defect, she knew her life as a parent would be different than she expected. When he was diagnosed with severe-to-profound hearing loss at six months old and continued to pile on multiple other medical diagnoses before his first birthday, Amy’s passion for writing and teaching morphed into a special interest in empowering parents of children who are deaf with disabilities. Amy has presented at the state and national level and is a member of the Illinois Hands and Voices Board of Directors, providing unbiased support to parents of children who are deaf and hard of hearing, many of whom have additional disabilities as well. She is also an adjunct faculty member in the Adult Basic/Secondary Education program at Elgin Community College in Elgin, Illinois. She lives in Gilberts, Illinois, with her husband, Dan, and children, Emerie and Evan.